The way we purchase travel has evolved right before our very eyes in the past decade. From using travel agents to booking online to direct purchases from airline websites, travelers are continuing to make adjustments to save on travel.
Below are nine suggestions to save big:
1. Use airline sites to compare airfares. Be sure to go directly to the web site of the airline which services the destination you are flying to, and check the price before purchasing.
2. Become familiar with the new trend in accommodations, such as Airbnb dot com and other sites which offer host for rooms, apartments or homes.
3. Be aware that Hostels are making a great comeback when it comes to saving money. You can book private rooms with baths, in many hostels in major cities around the world. Baby Boomers are responsible for teaching us that hostels are comfortable for more than student travel. Seniors and young-at-heart are finding hostels to be the perfect solution to saving money.
4. Set up an email account, just for travel-announcements. Sign-up and receive travel announcements on select destinations and wait for your destination to be on sale. This is one of the best ways to get where you want to go, for the least amount of money.
5. Use an online cruise consolidator, to find the best cruise deals.
6. Use the last minute cruise tickler to be notified of last minute cruise which you can purchase for much less. The cruise company doesn't want to sale with empty cabins. You have to set up a reliable way to find out about these last minute deals and be flexible enough to travel at the last moment.
7. If you want to travel to a far away exotic destination, research tours, rather than independently, to find the best deals. It's usually cheaper to join a tour group than to go it alone.
Sure tour groups can be a pain. You have a set schedule which you must follow, or get left behind, but in most cases, it's safer and more economical.
8. According to recent research, it's best to purchase airfare around 54 days prior to departure, for the lowest airfares. Because prices fluctuate so frequently travelers can't tell if they are getting a good deal. This is why tip Number 1. is so important. Compare airfares, often.
You must always remember the more in demand a destination is, the higher the airfare maybe. You can always check on flying into a nearby city or airport and taking a bus or rental car to your primary destination.
9. Adding one stop to your flight plans could save you up to $100 round-trip in airfare. This is one reason the airfare comparison factor is good, you can look at a lot of different routes to your destination.
Budget travelers understand the need for planning and implementing savings ideas into your itinerary
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Source: Free Articles from
C. Ingram
There are 43 additional money savings travel tips in the book 52+ Ways to Save on Travel.
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